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Oh, the places we'll go!

Purpose-driven Kid's Book Reviews

Welcome to Dad Read It First! where I pre-read the books that eventually land in the hands of my 3 kids in an effort to re-enforce morals, ethics, and cultural standards as they come across them.

I'm a parental "sherpa", I guess- helping my kids to react for themselves during the Joplin Tornado in I Survived or trying to stomach and rationalize survivor accounts of the the sho'a (Holocaust) in The Devil's Arithmetic.    

For you, I want to share bite-size reviews (2-3 times a month).  It costs nothing...great for all things, and versatile enough to apply liberally! Here's what I'm bringing to the table:

I'll review a mix of books from 2/3rd grade - 8/9th grade...Primarily fiction, but maybe some non-fiction, too. 

You will find plenty of conversation starters that you can share with your yahoos and even notable book report attributes that you can lean on when a short-notice, school project deadline is a sunrise away! 

I  have singular intentions of keeping this blog focused on kid and young adult books...Not a political platform, no personal soapboxes, no ranting, no whining - Promise!

Other Specifics

Accelerated Reader Stats

You'll find the Accelerate Reader (AR) stats linked directly to each book!  Classrooms often take AR quizzes to earn points for class parties, so you have the eligible points per test to reference, too.  And even some libraries organize their kid sections according to this reading scale so you can quickly locate the right level book for your kids.  If your kid's teacher uses a different reading scale in their classroom (and that's ok!), the AR site can help you translate- (With feedback though, I can append other scales too!)

Accelerated Reader Bookfinder

Reading Quizzes

I'll also link the Teachers Pay Teachers sites for each book that I review. If you're looking for reading comprehension quizzes to "ruin" the long summer break or need home school material to quiz your growing readers, this site is a great marketplace.  No affiliation or incentives, just a huge fan! (And Thank you, Teachers!!)

Book Report Spot Check

There's also a section in each/most/some of my reviews (it's a nascent idea, forgive the early under-commitment) that I call, "Did your kiddos really read it...?". 

 Still working with the content and length to find the right blend, but if you want a quick rundown the plot, new vocab words, or maybe some starter questions to get your kiddos talking about their book, this will be a good place to start.  Plus... if I do it right, you won't have to read your kid's book report selection (the night before it's due) to know that they nailed it! 


I love food!... Food and "book chat" pair so well, I think! From time to time, I might share a favorite recipe that fits the book on display!  Think Robin Sloan's, Sourdough...coupled with the best buttermilk sourdough pancake recipe this side of the 1930's. 

Again, Welcome and Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. If you need a spicy, cajun, wonderful soup ... use this recipe:
    My Gift to the Universe:
    1 - 26oz can of condensed tomato soup
    1/3rd - of that can heavy cream
    2/3 - of that can milk
    2-3 TBS - real butter
    2 - 14.5 cans diced tomatoes with basil, garlic & oregano
    1/2 - link of andoule sausage
    1 tbs - freshly cracked black pepper
    1 tsp - garlic salt

    Just put it all in a pot and cook. Reduce it to the consistency you want. Always remember that the longer good soup simmers, the better it gets.

    Feeds four because they'll all want more!!!


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